[Book] Risk Management Intelligence: How to build an intelligence that manages an e-commerce service's risk on auto-pilot

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— What's the goal of risk management intel? Risk intel helps manage your e-commerce service’s risks more effectively and on autopilot so that you succeed in new markets, keep your risk exposure stable, and maximise your conversion. With risk intel you avoid high-fraud-rate procedures of card schemes and do not have to fight fraud in emergency. As you reduce the number of repeat fraud offenses, you also reduce the required expertise-level to manage payment fraud along with the costs of managing it.

— What's in the book for you? The book will help you grasp the global picture, go deep into the details, and name the different elements and methods used to detect fraud and manage risks.

— What does the book cover? It covers payment processing intermediaries and processes, payment fraud’s origins and processes, today’s fraud prevention approaches and mechanisms, the foundations for big data and statistical learning, and concepts from financial risk management to manage your e-commerce's risk.

— Who is this book for? The process components and methods are relevant to all levels of seniority in the business. They’re not just for those who carry out payment verifications or make audit reports. They're also relevant to those who need to understand the terms being used and a vision of the whole process, such as executives, lawyers, or investors.


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242 pages
327 g
15.24 x 1.4 x 22.86 cm
1 mai 2017
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[Book] Risk Management Intelligence: How to build an intelligence that manages an e-commerce service's risk on auto-pilot

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